- Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Colombia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Europe, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Martinique, Mexico, Morocco, North America, Portugal, Scotland, South America, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, UK, US, Vietnam
22 Best Drinks Around the World: Travel Spots to Quench Your Thirst
Best Drinks Around the World One way to really get to know a place is to drink and eat. The best cocktails around the world are ones that have local ingredients or has a history or tradition unlike anywhere else. When you drink these drinks, you should be transported directly back to your vacation. I’ve included both boozy and non alcoholic suggestions so everyone can go gulp. Whiskey in Scotland The Scots know their whiskies. Two things to remember about Scotch, it’s made from malted Barley and don’t add an “e” in Scottish Whisky. Want to try Scotland’s “other national drink”? Often when I’m in another country I love checking…
- Cambodia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Greece, Guam, Indonesia, Italy, Malta, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Palau, Philippines, Portugal, St. Kitts & Nevis, Tanzania, Thailand, Turks and Caicos, Vietnam
18 of the World’s Best Beaches
The earth is made up of over 70% water and almost 95% of that water is made up of oceans. With all that surf and sand, there are countless choices of beaches and as a self proclaimed beach bum, I’ve encounter many. Here is a round up of 18 of the world’s best beaches according to Speck on the Globe. Zanzibar Wow. That may be the first and only exclamation you’ll need to describe this Tanzanian island. It’s totally unique with Swahili & Islamic influences that help to shape the spice trade routes from long ago. For the size there are dozens of sweet spots, don’t forget to spend some…
Keep the Caribbean Green: A Sustainable Guide to Martinique
Thud. My red cheeks immediately tighten as the front of my matchbox sized car dove directly down into another pot hole. I grimace, my skin, taught from the slight sun burn on my face, stung a little as the Twingo car bounced into a divot amidst the rocky one lane road. This was, according to my trusted GPS, the road meant to lead me to the marina. I’m no boat owner, but I do know that no one would be towing a sailboat on this glorified farm path. GPS is a funny thing. It’s so reliable, and then, when you need it most, it quickly morphs into your mortal enemy. …