• Bolivia,  Ecuador,  Morocco,  Peru,  Tanzania,  Uganda,  Zambia

    Spectacular Things about 2017 Travel

    It’s that time of year again, a yearly round up of the best moments of 2017 travel.  The last week of December is always a good time for reflection on all of the highlights of the year, in addition to looking forward on plans to come for 2018.  When I first started my blog it was a way for me to journal my journey and ever so slowly, five years later, it has been a way for me to share experiences, inspire others to see the world and maybe live a little less conventionally.  Each year, I pull together a round up of moments I’m happily reminded of the rewards…

  • Arizona,  Asia,  Cambodia,  Indonesia,  Italy,  Myanmar,  Portugal,  Spain,  Vietnam

    15 favorites of 2015

    Ok, so it’s a good thing the years keep getting bigger in number because my opportunities and experiences keep getting better.  The end of the year is the best time for me to reflect on what I’ve worked for each year, and look back on the opportunities that make me feel the most thankful and happy. Up, up, up AND away in Myanmar, Spain AND Turkey The first 31 years of my life I had lived without stepping foot into a hot air balloon and just like that, I got the chance to take not one, not two, but three incredible rides.  Each overlooking a different landscape, iconic and unique…