• Czech Republic,  Europe,  Snapshot Sunday

    Snapshot Sunday: Prague Old Town

    Sunny days are wonderful.  Sunny days in Prague are just plain perfection.  Old town had quickly become one of my favorite cities in Europe, the architecture is stunning and it’s a great place to walk through exploring all of the little side streets.  On a day like this, the colors just pop and it’s nearly impossible not to make your day brighter.

  • Europe,  Portugal,  Snapshot Sunday

    Snapshot Sunday: Streets of Lisbon Portugal

    I love people watching, it is my main hobby when in a city and Lisbon, Portugal is a wonderful place for it.  There is nothing better than being in town, sitting at a cafe, enjoying a drink or a meal and watching passersby.  I often craft stories in my mind about where people are going, what they are doing or thoughts of who these fictional characters might be.  I spotted this sweet little old man buying flowers at a shop next to where I was having breakfast and I envisioned him heading home, bringing the bouquet as a surprise for his wife who was cooking them a Sunday dinner.  I…

  • Europe,  Italy,  Snapshot Sunday

    Snapshot Sunday: Italian Love Affair

    Italy has done it again.  I’ve been here several times throughout the past few years and each time I return I fall harder than the last.  Charismatic locals, stunning architecture and out of this world cuisine, not to mention the country just oozes romance.  It’s that killer combination making it tougher to walk away with every visit.    

  • Asia,  Colombia,  Europe,  Greece,  Malaysia,  Malta,  South America

    You had me at UNESCO: Why I’m head over heels for heritage cities

    UNESCO.  For those of you who aren’t familiar, the acronym may look like letters for a combination gas station/carwash, a bulk goods grocery store, or some Silicon Valley Tech start up, BUT it stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.  UNESCO has a mission to promote the protection of natural and cultural sites and that their preservation be a way to educate future generations while bringing awareness to unique places all over the world.  I’ve been checking their website before going to a new place to see if they have a world heritage site near where I’ll be staying and a pattern started to develop.  I love…