
  • Croatia,  Greece,  Malta,  Morocco,  Northern Ireland,  Spain

    16 Game of Thrones Places to Visit as a Responsible Traveler

    The Best Game of Thrones Places to Visit I’m not one to trot-off to a location just because a movie or television show was filmed there. However, I have accidentally been to several of the more famous, and less known filming locations for HBO’s Game of Thrones. Normally, this wouldn’t be something I’m interested in but these are coincidently some of my favorite locations to vacation. Not only are these fantastic vacation locations, but these Game of Thrones places are GORGEOUS. Not only will I reveal how I stumbled upon GOT destinations, but I’ll also give you a suggestion for each place on the best way to visit as a…

  • Soda Bottles in South America
    Africa,  Asia,  Caribbean,  Colombia,  Cuba,  Czech Republic,  Europe,  France,  Greece,  Ireland,  Italy,  Malta,  Martinique,  Mexico,  Morocco,  North America,  Portugal,  Scotland,  South America,  Spain,  Thailand,  Turkey,  UK,  US,  Vietnam

    22 Best Drinks Around the World: Travel Spots to Quench Your Thirst

    Best Drinks Around the World One way to really get to know a place is to drink and eat.  The best cocktails around the world are ones that have local ingredients or has a history or tradition unlike anywhere else.  When you drink these drinks, you should be transported directly back to your vacation. I’ve included both boozy and non alcoholic suggestions so everyone can go gulp. Whiskey in Scotland The Scots know their whiskies.  Two things to remember about Scotch, it’s made from malted Barley and don’t add an “e” in Scottish Whisky. Want to try Scotland’s “other national drink”? Often when I’m in another country I love checking…

  • 18 of the world's best beaches
    Cambodia,  Cuba,  Dominican Republic,  Greece,  Guam,  Indonesia,  Italy,  Malta,  Martinique,  Mexico,  Nicaragua,  Palau,  Philippines,  Portugal,  St. Kitts & Nevis,  Tanzania,  Thailand,  Turks and Caicos,  Vietnam

    18 of the World’s Best Beaches

    The earth is made up of over 70% water and almost 95% of that water is made up of oceans. With all that surf and sand, there are countless choices of beaches and as a self proclaimed beach bum, I’ve encounter many. Here is a round up of 18 of the world’s best beaches according to Speck on the Globe. Zanzibar Wow. That may be the first and only exclamation you’ll need to describe this Tanzanian island. It’s totally unique with Swahili & Islamic influences that help to shape the spice trade routes from long ago. For the size there are dozens of sweet spots, don’t forget to spend some…

  • Europe,  Malta

    A Glimpse of Malta

    Recently I’ve been collecting short clips from each country and creating vignettes to share my first hand experiences.  They have been fun to put together and although I’m no Spielberg I’m hoping to make these more polished with each country see!  I like the idea that the visual adds to the stories I’ve shared giving everyone a fuller picture of my time away.  It’s a work in progress so be patient with me but I hope you enjoy it!

  • Europe,  Malta

    Going Gaga for Gozo: How I was Captured by Calypso’s Island

    “Her lady Calypso clung to him in her sea-hollowed caves, a nymph immortal and most beautiful, craved him for her own.” Think back to high school English class, pimpled faced at your desk rolling your eyes over having to read Homer’s The Odyssey,  an epically long poem about an epic journey.  You can thank Zeus himself for the tome because if it wasn’t for his persuasiveness, Odysseus would have probably hung out with Calypso for another seven years and the book would have never been written.  Gozo the second smallest of the three Maltese islands is fabled to be Ogygia, the beautiful island Homer describes in the Odyssey, and like…

  • Colombia,  Greece,  Indonesia,  Malaysia,  Malta,  Thailand

    My Favorite Moments of 2014

    2014, what a whirlwind!  I had several one of a kind experiences this year and I think I spent a lot of time pinching myself making sure I wasn’t dreaming, exploring new places, meeting new friends and enjoying life has a way of seeming unreal.  It has been a treat to go through TONS of photos of the past year and I’ve collected a few to share some of the stand outs. My day as a Maltese falconer By far and away one of my more favorite memories of this year.  While in Malta I decided to take the Maltese Falcon story to the next level and go to the…

  • Europe,  Malta

    BirguFest: Vittoriosa by Candlelight

    For one weekend each year one of the oldest cities in Malta shuts off all of its lights and holds a festival that showcases the beauty of the medieval city in a wonderful glow of candlelight.  Thousands of candles line the streets, rest on balconies and window sills as they guide your way through the town where vendors sell crafts, Maltese food is served and in the center square musicians and performers entertain the crowds into the evening.  By the warmth of all the flickering candles it’s one of the more interesting ways I’ve explored a new city; mostly in darkness.   Candles are placed on ledges, along the streets,…

  • Europe,  Malta

    50 Shades of Blue: The love story of Malta and the Sea

    “Ha, it’s like 50 shades of  blue, get it?” he snorted laughing to himself he pointed to me as he snapped my picture and handed back my camera.  I looked down to realize I have a blue shirt and blue shorts on in front of the clear blue sea and this poor guy is trying to make a joke. “Yep” I answered with a forced chuckled then a few minutes later while peering into the water I thought, “Damn it, he’s right, there’s blue everywhere you look.” The island is small so for a lover of the sea it is a perfect place to spend the late summer months, you…

  • Europe,  Malta

    Ggantija: The UNESCO Site and My Colossal Rainstorm

    I had arrived in Gozo the day before and was excited to have a week dedicated to relaxing and writing.  The little island is a third of the size of small Malta and with it’s scenic ocean views, tiny villages and laid back attitude I was content to have a quiet days with some peace at the beach.  I decided to spend the morning exploring Ggantija Temples, a UNESCO site and then rewarding my educational efforts with some beach time later in the day not realizing I would be needing my bathing suit while being soaked by rain water NOT by the refreshing waves of the Mediterranean.   Ggantija As…